Molybden API
►Nmolybden | |
CAction | The base API that implements classes which represent delegate's action |
CAddress | The collected data entered by the user to a form and persisted to the user profile store |
CAlertAction | The BrowserDelegates::onAlert action |
CAlertArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onAlert action arguments |
CApp | Provides access to Molybden app |
CAppOptions | The Molybden app options |
CAudioStartedPlaying | The MediaEvents::onAudioStartedPlaying event arguments |
CAudioStoppedPlaying | The MediaEvents::onAudioStoppedPlaying event arguments |
CAuthenticateAction | The BrowserDelegates::onAuthenticate action |
CAuthenticateArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onAuthenticate action arguments |
CAutoDetectProxyConfig | With this proxy configuration the connection automatically detects proxy settings |
CBeforeFormRepostAction | The BrowserDelegates::onBeforeFormRepost action arguments |
CBeforeFormRepostArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onBeforeFormRepost action arguments |
CBeforeSendUploadDataAction | The NetworkDelegates::onBeforeSendUploadData action |
CBeforeSendUploadDataArgs | The NetworkDelegates::onBeforeSendUploadData action arguments |
CBeforeStartTransactionAction | The NetworkDelegates::onBeforeStartTransaction action arguments |
CBeforeStartTransactionArgs | The NetworkDelegates::onBeforeStartTransaction arguments |
CBeforeUnloadAction | The BrowserDelegates::onBeforeUnload action |
CBeforeUnloadArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onBeforeUnload action arguments |
CBeforeUrlRequestAction | The NetworkDelegates::onBeforeUrlRequest action arguments |
CBeforeUrlRequestArgs | The NetworkDelegates::onBeforeUrlRequest arguments |
CBitmap | A binary image in the BGRA format |
CBrowser | An object that displays web content inside a native window |
CBrowserBecameResponsive | The BrowserEvents::onBrowserBecameResponsive event arguments |
CBrowserBecameUnresponsive | The BrowserEvents::onBrowserBecameUnresponsive event arguments |
CBrowserClosed | The BrowserEvents::onBrowserClosed event arguments |
CBrowserDelegates | A class that contains all browser delegates |
CBrowserEvents | A class that contains all browser events |
CBrowserSettings | |
CByteData | An upload data as a sequence of bytes |
CCanAccessFileAction | The NetworkDelegates::onCanAccessFile action |
CCanAccessFileArgs | The NetworkDelegates::onCanAccessFile action arguments |
CCanExecuteCommandAction | The BrowserDelegates::onShowBeforeFormRepost action arguments |
CCanExecuteCommandArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onCanExecuteCommand action arguments |
CCanGetCookiesAction | The NetworkDelegates::onCanGetCookies action |
CCanGetCookiesArgs | The NetworkDelegates::onCanGetCookie action arguments |
CCanSetCookieAction | The NetworkDelegates::onCanSetCookie action |
CCanSetCookieArgs | The NetworkDelegates::onCanSetCookie action arguments |
CCaptureSession | A browser capture session |
CCaptureSessionEvents | A class that contains all capture session events |
CCaptureSessionStarted | The BrowserEvents::onCaptureSessionStarted event arguments |
CCaptureSessionStopped | The CaptureSessionEvents::onCaptureSessionStopped event arguments |
CCaptureSource | The source for a content capture session |
CCaptureSources | Provides access to the sources available for content capture |
CCertErrorAction | The BrowserDelegates::onCertError action |
CCertErrorArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onCertError action arguments |
CCertificate | |
CCertVerificationError | An error found by Chromium when verifying an SSL certificate |
CColor | A numeric model of an RGB color |
CConfirmAction | The BrowserDelegates::onConfirm action |
CConfirmArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onConfirm action arguments |
CConsoleMessageReceived | The BrowserEvents::onConsoleMessageReceived event arguments |
CContextMenu | |
CContextMenuContentType | |
CContextMenuItem | |
CCookie | An HTTP cookie |
CCookies | A service that allows working with the session and persistent cookies |
CCreditCard | The credit card information persisted in the credit card store |
CCreditCards | The credit card store |
CCursor | The cursor details that describe both the standard and custom cursors |
CCustomContextMenu | |
CCustomContextMenuItem | |
CCustomContextMenuItemActionArgs | |
CCustomMenu | |
CCustomMenuItem | |
CCustomMenuItemActionArgs | |
CCustomProxyConfig | A custom proxy settings |
CDelegate | Delegates allow you to make decisions that affect the application behavior |
CDesktop | Provides access to the desktop environment |
CDevTools | Allows working with the browser's DevTools |
CDictionary | Provides functionality for working with a spell check dictionary |
CDirectProxyConfig | With this proxy configuration the connection does not use a proxy server |
CDock | Allows controlling application icon in the Dock on macOS |
CDownload | A download activity |
CDownloadCanceled | The DownloadEvents::onDownloadCanceled event arguments |
CDownloadEvents | A class that contains all download events |
CDownloadFinished | The DownloadEvents::onDownloadFinished event arguments |
CDownloadInterrupted | The DownloadEvents::onDownloadInterrupted event arguments |
CDownloadPaused | The DownloadEvents::onDownloadPaused event arguments |
CDownloadTarget | The details of the download target |
CDownloadUpdated | The DownloadEvents::onDownloadUpdated event arguments |
CEvent | Events allow you to be notified when something happens in Molybden |
CFile | The file data |
CFileBytes | The file bytes value |
CFileFilter | The file filter |
CFilePath | The file path value |
CFileValue | The base class that all file value types must implement |
CFindOptions | The parameters of the text find request |
CFindResult | A result of the text search |
CFormData | An upload data of the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" content type |
CFormDataPair | The key-value pair that represents a segment of a form data (e.g |
CFrame | A web frame that provides access to DOM and JavaScript |
CFrameCreated | The BrowserEvents::onFrameCreated event arguments |
CFrameDeleted | The BrowserEvents::onFrameDeleted event arguments |
CFrameDocumentLoadFinished | The NavigationEvents::onFrameDocumentLoadFinished event arguments |
CFrameLoadFailed | The NavigationEvents::onFrameLoadFailed event arguments |
CFrameLoadFinished | The NavigationEvents::onFrameLoadFinished event arguments |
CFullScreenEntered | The BrowserEvents::onFullScreenEntered event arguments |
CFullScreenExited | The BrowserEvents::onFullScreenExited event arguments |
CHostPort | A host/port pair of the URI |
CHttpAuthCache | An HTTP authentication cache service |
CHttpAuthPrefs | The HTTP authorization preferences |
CHttpCache | An HTTP cache service |
CHttpHeader | An HTTP header name and value |
CInjectCssAction | The BrowserDelegates::onInjectCss action |
CInjectCssArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onInjectCss action arguments |
CInjectJsAction | The BrowserDelegates::onInjectJs action |
CInjectJsArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onInjectJs action arguments |
CInterceptUrlRequestAction | The NetworkDelegates::onInterceptUrlRequest action arguments |
CInterceptUrlRequestArgs | The NetworkDelegates::onInterceptUrlRequest arguments |
CJsAccessible | The base class for defining JavaScript accessible object classes that can be automatically converted to JavaScript objects and vice versa |
CJsArray | A JavaScript array |
CJsError | Represents a JavaScript exception |
CJsObject | A JavaScript object |
CJsProxyObject | A JavaScript proxy object |
CJsProxyObjectImpl | Derive C from JsProxyObjectImpl<C> via CRTP pattern and implement the interface of JsProxyObject |
CJsReturnValue | Represents the JS function return value |
CJsValue | A JavaScript value |
CLanguage | A language for which Chromium can perform spell checking |
CLoadFinished | The NavigationEvents::onLoadFinished event arguments |
CLoadProgressChanged | The NavigationEvents::onLoadProgressChanged event arguments |
CLoadStarted | The NavigationEvents::onLoadStarted event arguments |
CLoadUrlOptions | The optional parameters of the load URL request |
CLogging | Allows configuring the application logging |
CMedia | The media controller of a browser instance |
CMediaEvents | A class that contains all media events |
CMediaStreamCaptureStarted | The BrowserEvents::onMediaStreamCaptureStarted event arguments |
CMediaStreamCaptureStopped | The BrowserEvents::onMediaStreamCaptureStopped event arguments |
CMenu | |
CMenuItem | |
CMessageDialog | Allow displaying the native message dialogs |
CMessageDialogButton | The message dialog button |
CMessageDialogCheckbox | The message dialog checkbox |
CMessageDialogOptions | The options of a message dialog |
CMessageDialogResult | The result of a message dialog |
CMultipartFormData | An upload data of the "multipart/form-data" content type |
CMultipartFormDataPair | The key-value pair that represents a segment of a multi-part form data |
CMultipartFormDataPairValue | The base class that all pair value types must implement |
CMultipartFormDataPairValueFile | The multi-part form data pair file value |
CMultipartFormDataPairValueString | The multi-part form data pair string value |
CNavigation | Allows loading resources in the browser and working with the navigation history |
CNavigationDelegates | Objects implement this interface to get notified about changes in Navigation and to provide necessary functionality |
CNavigationEntry | The navigation history entry |
CNavigationEvents | A class that contains all navigation events |
CNavigationFinished | The NavigationEvents::onNavigationFinished event arguments |
CNavigationRedirected | The NavigationEvents::onNavigationRedirected event arguments |
CNavigationResult | The result of the blocking navigation |
CNavigationStarted | The NavigationEvents::onNavigationStarted event arguments |
CNavigationStopped | The NavigationEvents::onNavigationStopped event arguments |
CNetwork | Provides access to the network-level functionality |
CNetworkChanged | The NetworkEvents::onNetworkChanged event arguments |
CNetworkDelegates | A class that contains all network delegates |
CNetworkEvents | A class that contains all network events |
CObservable | A common class that all classes providing an observer must inherit |
COpenDialog | Allow displaying the native open file/files/folder dialogs |
COpenDialogFeatures | The features of an open dialog |
COpenDialogOptions | The options of an open dialog |
COpenDialogResult | The result of an open dialog |
COpenPopupAction | The BrowserDelegates::onOpenPopup action |
COpenPopupArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onOpenPopup action arguments |
CPacProxyConfig | With this proxy configuration the connection uses proxy settings received from proxy auto-config (PAC) file which is located at the specific address |
CPacScriptErrorReceived | The NetworkEvents::onPacScriptErrorReceived event arguments |
CPasswordRecord | A record saved in the password store |
CPasswords | A service for working with logins and passwords saved in the Chromium password store |
CPermissions | Allows managing permissions for secure web pages |
CPermissionsDelegates | A class that contains all permission delegates |
CPoint | A pair of numbers that in general are used to define coordinates in the two-dimensional space |
CProfile | The app profile that holds user data such as navigation history, proxy settings, spell checker configurations, cookies, etc |
CProfilePrefs | The Chromium profile preferences |
CPromptAction | The BrowserDelegates::onPrompt action |
CPromptArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onPrompt action arguments |
CProxy | Provides access to the profile proxy functionality |
CProxyConfig | An interface that all proxy config implementations must extend |
CReceiveHeadersAction | The NetworkDelegates::onReceiveHeaders action |
CReceiveHeadersArgs | The NetworkDelegates::onReceiveHeaders action arguments |
CRect | A rectangle described by the location and dimensions |
CRedirectResponseCodeReceived | The NetworkEvents::onRedirectResponseCodeReceived event arguments |
CRenderProcess | Contains information about the render process associated with Frame |
CRenderProcessStarted | The BrowserEvents::onRenderProcessStarted event arguments |
CRenderProcessTerminated | The BrowserEvents::onRenderProcessTerminated event arguments |
CRequestCompleted | The NetworkEvents::onRequestCompleted event arguments |
CRequestDestroyed | The NetworkEvents::onRequestDestroyed event arguments |
CRequestPdfPasswordAction | The BrowserDelegates::onRequestPdfPassword action |
CRequestPdfPasswordArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onRequestPdfPassword action arguments |
CRequestPermissionAction | The PermissionsDelegates::onRequestPermission action |
CRequestPermissionArgs | The PermissionsDelegates::onRequestPermission action arguments |
CResponseBytesReceived | The NetworkEvents::onResponseBytesReceived event arguments |
CResponseStarted | The NetworkEvents::onResponseStarted event arguments |
CSaveAsPdfAction | The BrowserDelegates::onSaveAsPdf action arguments |
CSaveAsPdfArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onSaveAsPdf action arguments |
CSaveCreditCardAction | The BrowserDelegates::onSaveCreditCard action |
CSaveCreditCardArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onSaveCreditCard action arguments |
CSaveDialog | Allow displaying the native save file/folder dialogs |
CSaveDialogFeatures | The features of a save dialog |
CSaveDialogOptions | The options of a save dialog |
CSaveDialogResult | The result of a save dialog |
CSavePasswordAction | The BrowserDelegates::onSavePassword action |
CSavePasswordArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onSavePassword action arguments |
CSaveUserProfileAction | The BrowserDelegates::onSaveUserProfile action |
CSaveUserProfileArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onSaveUserProfile action arguments |
CSeparatorContextMenuItem | |
CSeparatorMenuItem | |
CShowContextMenuAction | The BrowserDelegates::onShowContextMenu action |
CShowContextMenuArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onShowContextMenu action arguments |
CShowHttpErrorPageAction | The NavigationDelegates::onShowHttpErrorPage action |
CShowHttpErrorPageArgs | The NavigationDelegates::onShowHttpErrorPage action arguments |
CShowNetErrorPageAction | The NavigationDelegates::onShowNetErrorPage action |
CShowNetErrorPageArgs | The NavigationDelegates::onShowNetErrorPage action arguments |
CSize | A pair of numbers that in general are used to define dimensions in the two-dimensional space |
CSpellCheckCompleted | The BrowserEvents::onSpellCheckCompleted event arguments |
CSpellChecker | A profile service that provides functionality for configuring spell checking |
CSpellCheckingResult | A spell checking result that contains the bounds of a mis-spelled substring of the checked text |
CStandardContextMenuItem | |
CStandardMenu | |
CStandardMenuItem | |
CStartCaptureSessionAction | The BrowserDelegates::onStartCaptureSession action |
CStartCaptureSessionArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onStartCaptureSession action arguments |
CStartDownloadAction | The BrowserDelegates::onStartDownload action |
CStartDownloadArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onStartDownload action arguments |
CStartNavigationAction | The NavigationDelegates::onStartNavigation action |
CStartNavigationArgs | The NavigationDelegates::onStartNavigation action arguments |
CStatusChanged | The BrowserEvents::onStatusChanged event arguments |
CSubscription | A subscription allows you to unsubscribe from receiving events |
CSystemProxyConfig | With this proxy configuration the connection uses the operating system proxy settings |
CTextData | An upload data of the "text/plain" content type |
CTextFinder | Allows finding text on the loaded web page |
CTitleChanged | The BrowserEvents::onTitleChanged event arguments |
CTray | A system tray item |
CTrayClicked | The TrayEvents::onClicked event arguments |
CTrayEvents | A class that contains all tray events |
CUpdatePasswordAction | The BrowserDelegates::onUpdatePassword action |
CUpdatePasswordArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onUpdatePassword action arguments |
CUpdateUserProfileAction | The BrowserDelegates::onUpdateUserProfile action |
CUpdateUserProfileArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onUpdateUserProfile action arguments |
CUploadData | An interface that all upload data implementations must extend |
CUrlRequest | The details about a URL request |
CUrlRequestJob | A URL request job is a mechanism to provide the response data for an intercepted URL request |
CUrlRequestJobFactory | A factory that allows you to create UrlRequestJob instances |
CUserProfile | The collected data entered by the user to a form and persisted to the user data store |
CUserProfiles | A user profile store |
CVerifyCertAction | The BrowserDelegates::onVerifyCert action |
CVerifyCertArgs | The BrowserDelegates::onVerifyCert action arguments |
CZoom | Configures zoom level for the domain of the currently loaded web page |